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Spesifikasi Minimal
3x CPU; the higher the clock speed the better
Automatic Setup
wget -O && chmod +x && ./
Cek Sync
loyald status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Create Wallet
loyald keys add $LYL_WALLET
Restore Wallet
loyald keys add $LYL_WALLET --recover
List Wallet
Export Variable ( Optional )
LYL_WALLET_ADDRESS=$(loyald keys show $LYL_WALLET -a)
LYL_VALOPER_ADDRESS=$(loyald keys show $LYL_WALLET --bech val -a)
echo 'export LYL_WALLET_ADDRESS='${LYL_WALLET_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export LYL_VALOPER_ADDRESS='${LYL_VALOPER_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
Cek Saldo
loyald query bank balances $LYL_WALLET_ADDRESS
Ambil di web pake keplr WEB
Register akun baru, masuk ke profil, get 7LYL
Create Validator
loyald tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000ulyl \
--from $LYL_WALLET \
--website "" \
--details="Apa yang sedang Anda pikirkan" \
--commission-max-change-rate "0.01" \
--commission-max-rate "0.2" \
--commission-rate "0.08" \
--min-self-delegation "1" \
--pubkey $(loyald tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker $LYL_NODENAME \
--fees 5000ulyl \
--chain-id loyal-1
Useful Command
Identity Validator :
Seputar Services
Cek Logs:
journalctl -fu loyald -o cat
Start Service:
systemctl start loyald
Stop Service:
systemctl stop loyald
Restart Service:
systemctl restart loyald
Cek Node
Status Sinkronasi:
loyald status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Validator Info:
loyald status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo
Node Info:
loyald status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo
Cek Node ID:
loyald tendermint show-node-id
Cek List Wallet:
Import Wallet:
loyald keys add $LYL_WALLET --recover
Delete Wallet:
loyald keys delete $LYL_WALLET
Cek Saldo:
loyald query bank balances $LYL_WALLET_ADDRESS
Melihat Private Key
loyald keys export $LYL_WALLET --unarmored-hex --unsafe
loyald tx bank send $LYL_WALLET_ADDRESS <TO_WALLET_ADDRESS> 10000000ulyl --fees=5000ulyl
Vote Proposal
loyald tx gov vote 1 yes --from $LYL_WALLET --chain-id=$LYL_ID
Stake, Delegate, Rewards
loyald tx staking delegate $LYL_VALOPER_ADDRESS 10000000ulyl --from=$LYL_WALLET --chain-id=$LYL_ID --gas=auto --fees 5000ulyl
Pindah Validator:
loyald tx staking redelegate <srcValidatorAddress> <destValidatorAddress> 10000000ulyl --from=$LYL_WALLET --chain-id=$LYL_ID --gas=auto --fees 5000ulyl
Withdraw rewards stake + komisi:
loyald tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=$LYL_WALLET --chain-id=$LYL_ID --gas=auto --fees 5000ulyl
Withdraw rewards stake:
loyald tx distribution withdraw-rewards $LYL_VALOPER_ADDRESS --from=$LYL_WALLET --commission --chain-id=$LYL_ID
Merubah Node
Edit Validator:
loyald tx staking edit-validator \
--moniker=NEWNODENAME \
--chain-id=$LYL_ID \
loyald tx slashing unjail \
--broadcast-mode=block \
--from=$LYL_WALLET \
--chain-id=$LYL_ID \
--gas=auto \
--fees 250ulyl
Delete Node:
sudo systemctl stop loyald
sudo systemctl disable loyald
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/loyald* -rf
sudo rm $(which loyald) -rf
sudo rm $HOME/.loyal* -rf
sudo rm $HOME/loyal* -rf
sed -i '/LYL_/d' ~/.bash_profile