Task 4

Install Dependencies

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y make bzip2 automake libbz2-dev libssl-dev doxygen graphviz libgmp3-dev \
autotools-dev libicu-dev python2.7 python2.7-dev python3 python3-dev \
autoconf libtool curl zlib1g-dev sudo ruby libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libcurl4-gnutls-dev pkg-config patch llvm-7-dev clang-7 vim-common jq libncurses5 git

Create Contract CRUD

Buat folder

mkdir -p $HOME/inrcrud


sudo tee $HOME/inrcrud/inrcrud.cpp >/dev/null <<EOF
#include <inery/inery.hpp>
#include <inery/print.hpp>
#include <string>

using namespace inery;

using std::string;

class [[inery::contract]] inrcrud : public inery::contract {
    using inery::contract::contract;

        [[inery::action]] void create( uint64_t id, name user, string data ) {
            records recordstable( _self, id );
            auto existing = recordstable.find( id );
            check( existing == recordstable.end(), "record with that ID already exists" );
            check( data.size() <= 256, "data has more than 256 bytes" );

            recordstable.emplace( _self, [&]( auto& s ) {
               s.id         = id;
               s.owner      = user;
               s.data       = data;

            print( "Hello, ", name{user} );
            print( "Created with data: ", data );

         [[inery::action]] void read( uint64_t id ) {
            records recordstable( _self, id );
            auto existing = recordstable.find( id );
            check( existing != recordstable.end(), "record with that ID does not exist" );
            const auto& st = *existing;
            print("Data: ", st.data);

        [[inery::action]] void update( uint64_t id, string data ) {
            records recordstable( _self, id );
            auto st = recordstable.find( id );
            check( st != recordstable.end(), "record with that ID does not exist" );

            recordstable.modify( st, get_self(), [&]( auto& s ) {
               s.data = data;

            print("Data: ", data);

            [[inery::action]] void destroy( uint64_t id ) {
            records recordstable( _self, id );
            auto existing = recordstable.find( id );
            check( existing != recordstable.end(), "record with that ID does not exist" );
            const auto& st = *existing;

            recordstable.erase( st );

            print("Record Destroyed: ", id);


    struct [[inery::table]] record {
       uint64_t        id;
       name     owner;
       string          data;
       uint64_t primary_key()const { return id; }

    typedef inery::multi_index<"records"_n, record> records;


cd inrcrud
cd; source .bashrc; cd -
inery-cpp -abigen -o inrcrud.wasm inrcrud.cpp

Set Contract

cline set contract namaAkun ./

Unlock wallet dulu jika ke lock

cline wallet unlock -n namaAkun --password passwordDariFileTXT

Jika muncul seperti ini

Edit file config.ini

cd ~/inery-node/inery.setup/master.node/blockchain/config
nano config.ini

Temukan max-transaction-time (yang paling bawah) ganti dari 15000 ke 30000


Contract siap ,lanjut membuat JSON RPC

Install Nodejs

sudo apt update
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_19.x | sudo -E bash - &&\
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Clone Repo

git clone https://github.com/alteregogi/ineryjs.git
cd ineryjs


npm install

Jika muncul seperti itu ,update menggunakan

npm install -g npm@9.2.0

Copy dan Edit file .env

cp .env-sample /root/ineryjs/.env
nano .env

Isi dengan data mu sesuai di dashboard. http://you_node_url:8888 ganti dengan http://IP.VPSMU:8888 Save


npm run rpc-example


Jika ada error seperti ini;

cause: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED IP.VPS:8888

Cara fix nya open port 8888

sudo ufw allow 8888; sudo ufw enable

Last updated